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Email Template
Ben Collier avatar
Written by Ben Collier
Updated over a week ago

What are email templates?

These are templates which are used to send to users for the following reasons

1. Welcome email

2. Forgotten password email.

You can customise them with what you would like with the ‘free text’ option. You can also customise the email footer.

Add default email templates

  1. Click ‘Options’ in the left side bar

  2. In the sub-category click ‘Email’

  3. From this page you'll be able to edit the welcome email, forgotten password email and email footer text. You'll see a list of template tags at the top under 'Help' which you can use to customise your content, for example you may want to personalise an email with the user name, in which case you could use {{first_name}}


Welcome Email 

  1. Write the subject of the email in the ‘subject’ box and you can use the template tags to customise your content

  2. Body - type your welcome email in the box and use the template tags to customise your content

  3. Press ‘Send Test Welcome Email’ to send a draft email to yourself to check the formatting

Forgotten Password Email

  1. Write the subject of the email in the ‘subject’ box and use the template tags to customise your content

  2. Body - type your welcome email in the box and use the template tags to customise your content

  3. Press ‘Send Test Forgotten Password Email’ to send a draft email to yourself to check the formatting

Email Footer Text

  1. You can enter any text you would like to appear in the email footer in the email footer text box

Once you are happy with your changes don't forget Click the ‘Update’ button in the top right corner 🙂

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