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Oplift January 2022 Release
Viktoria Webber avatar
Written by Viktoria Webber
Updated over a week ago

Improved security with biometrics

We are introducing the ability to force users to have device authentication (passcode / Face ID / biometrics) on their device to be able to use Engage. If you'd like this enabled, please contact support and we can discuss the best configuration for you.

More customisation with brandable login

With this release comes the option to use custom colours on the login page so that your users will feel more 'at home'. By default it will look like this:

If you'd like to use your own colour for the Log In button and/or the background image, contact support and we will help you!

Stay tuned as we continue to bring more branding across Review and Engage.

Priority on news

When creating a news item, you can flag it as ‘high priority’ which means that it will bubble up to the top of the news list.

Link to Article button in News

To make links to your articles and other external content stand out in your news, you can now choose if you want the link to show as a normal hyperlink or as a button.

Create your links in news as usual, highlight it, then select Format -> Display Link as Button to make your links clearer!

Here's what they look like:

Targeting on regions

In this release we will introduce the option to target Articles and News to your regions.

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