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Dash Tiles

These are the coloured tiles that will appear on your dash linking to your content.

Ben Collier avatar
Written by Ben Collier
Updated over 8 months ago

What are dash tiles?

These are the tiles that will appear on your Home screen, they are designed to categorise all of your articles and links making them easy to find. You can have parent article categories, web links, news and calendar tiles.

Article tiles are where your articles will be kept, they are the parent article categories, for example policies, procedures, how to guides, products, company information etc.

Web link tiles will link out to external pages for example your business website.

The news tile is where all of your latest news will be kept, you can only have one of these tiles, this will be automated from the news items that you post.

The calendar tile will link to your organisations full calendar view displaying events, activities and reminders visible to all employees.

How do I create and organise dash tiles?

Follow these three steps for all tiles first:

  1. Click options in the left side bar

  2. In the subcategories select ‘Dash’

  3. Click the ‘Add Tile’ button - decide if you want it to be a news, calendar, web link, or article category then select from the pop up menu which appears. 

Then follow the specific intrusions depending on the type of tile you have selected to create.


  1. Icon - upload icon or image to represent this category (we have some stock icons which you can use or you can make your own)

  2. Background colour - this is the colour that will highlight the tile when you hover over it.

  3. Accent colour - this option will adjust the colour of the icon for the tile. If you have uploaded an image set this colour to Clear.

  4. Platform - select which platforms you would like these tiles to show on, either Web, Android or iOS

  5. You can only have one news tile. Once finished select “Add Tile” to add your next tile or 'Update' if you don't want to add another


  1. Enter a title for the dash tile, such as Calendar.

  2. Icon - upload an icon or image (we have some stock icons which you can use or you can make your own)

  3. Background colour - this is the colour that will highlight the tile when you hover over it.

  4. Accent colour - this option will adjust the colour of the icon for the tile.

  5. Platform - select which platforms you would like these tiles to show on, either Web, Android or iOS

  6. Tap 'Update' when you are finished 👍

Article Category

  1. You first need to set an Icon, background colour and accent colour for your dash tile.

  2. You need to go to 'Articles' in the left hand side bar then select 'Article Categories'

  3. Select the interested parent article category from the table.

  4. Icon - upload icon or image to represent this category

  5. Background colour - this is the colour that will highlight the tile when you hover

  6. Accent colour - this option will adjust the colour of the icon for the tile. If you have uploaded an image set this colour to Clear.

  7. Now go back to 'Options' in the left side bar and select 'Dash'

  8. Add a new tile and select 'Article Category'

  9. You need to select the parent article category you would like from the drop down menu

  10. Platform - select which platforms you would like these to show on, either Web, Android or iOS

  11. Tap 'Update' when you are finished 👍

Web Link

  1. Title box - write the name of the link which will appear on the tile

  2. Url - write the url link you want the tile to link to, you need to include 'https://www'

  3. Icon - upload an icon or image to represent this category. If you have uploaded an image set this colour to Clear.

  4. Background colour - this is the colour that will highlight the tile when you hover over it. It also colours the external link arrow icon in the corner.

  5. Accent colour - this option will adjust the colour of the icon for the tile.

  6. Platform - select which platforms you would like these to show on, either Web, Android or iOS

  7. Once you have completed, press the ‘Update’ button

Your new dash tile should now appear on the dashboard. Don't forget to refresh the page 🙂

Deleting a dash tile

Details how to delete a dash tile are available here.

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