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Article Categories
Ben Collier avatar
Written by Ben Collier
Updated over a week ago

What are article categories?

These are how you will categorise all of your articles, you can have as many as you like. They are broad terms which are what each article will belong to. For example an article category may be 'Health and Safety' and you can add all articles to this category if they concern health and safety, making them easy to find.

You can also group articles within categories. For example you may want 'Safety' to be its own category within the 'Health and Safety' category. To do this you simply create another article category but make sure that 'Health and Safety' is selected as its parent category. These are called multi-level categories e.g. Health and safety - Safety - Fire Marshall list

How do I create article categories?

  1. Click ‘articles’ in the left side bar

  2. In the subcategories select ‘Article categories’

  3. These can be multi-level categories e.g. How To - Recruitment - Interview best practice.

  4. First you must add name of the overall parent categories, these will be the titles which you have on the dashboard - e.g How To  

  5. Select parent category - none 

  6. Set your default article sort order, either alphabetically or chronologically.

  7. Select ‘Add New Article Category’ button

  8. Now you can begin adding all the subcategories which come under this parent category.

  9. Add new - e.g. Recruitment 

  10. Select parent category - How To 

  11. Set the default sort order for the sub-category, either alphabetically or chronologically.

  12. Once you have finished, press the ‘Add New Article Category’ button

Where is the category sort order displayed?

When you select an article category, either via a dash tile on the Engage Home page or via the Search page, the articles within the category will be listed in either alphabetically or chronologically, depending on what you set the default to be in the admin when you created the category.

The user can choose to change the sort order by selecting the sort order dropdown in the top right. The same applies to sub-categories.

How can I make my article category a tile on the Home screen?

Before you create an article dash tile, you need to set a highlight colour and logo for the article category tile. 

  1. Click ‘articles’ in the left side bar

  2. In the subcategories select ‘Article categories’

  3. You'll see a list of all your categories displayed in the table. Select the article category that you would like to appear on the dashboard

  4. Under the 'Article Categories' section you need to upload an icon that will be displayed on the dash tile. Contact Ocasta if you need any help, we have a library of icons for you to choose from, or you can use your own.

  5. Select a background colour. This is the colour that will highlight the tile when you hover over it.

  6. Set an accent colour which will adjust the colour of the icon for the tile.

  7. Select 'Update' then follow the instructions to make the tile appear on the Home screen.

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