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Oplift February 2021 Release
Viktoria Webber avatar
Written by Viktoria Webber
Updated over a week ago

In the middle of February the next release of Oplift will be going live and we have a number of exciting changes and improvements for you.

Reporting improvements

  • We've changed the date selector to be a drop down with a list of predefined options making it super quick and easy to switch between different date ranges. There is still the option to select a custom date range of course. πŸ—“

  • We've made it easier to clear a selected value in selection boxes. ✏️

  • In the Review reporting we have made it possible to bookmark the pages so you can come back to a page with filters already set. πŸ”–

  • We've changed the reporting order from published date to last update date for News and Articles.

  • When exporting Review insights data we are now including the region and subregion(s) for locations.

Changes in Review

  • Scoreable drop down - we have added a new insight type giving you the ability to score the options in drop downs. πŸ“Š

  • We have improved the pdf version of a report making it much easier to read on a mobile device. πŸ‘Œ

Import users

For users who have permission to manage users, we have added in a way to upload a CSV file of users and import them in bulk. Much more efficient than adding users one-by-one. πŸ’ͺ

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