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Section creation
Megan Bland avatar
Written by Megan Bland
Updated over a week ago

What are sections?

You can create multiple sections within a review which contain different insights. This helps to organise insights so they are quick and easy to find. Your review needs to have at least one section in it.

How do I create sections?

  1. To add a section select 'Add Section'

  2. Select from the sub category whether your new section is a 'Notes' section, will contain 'Insights', or is a 'Previous Report'

  3. A 'Notes' section provides the reviewer with an area where they can enter free text, for example, anything that they feel hasn't been covered via an insight that they think needs to be mentioned.

  4. A 'Previous Report' section will display a read only view of a previous report. For example, a Regional Manager may be returning to a store to carry out a report and may want to check the previous scores for that particular report. For example, the score for cleanliness may have been poor previously, so they can check if the issue has improved or not in the new report.

  5. An 'Insights' section contains insights you have created. See this article to find out more about insights and how to create them

  6. Select an Insight from the drop down box and you can tick the box to mark it as required.

  7. You can add as many insights as you wish using the 'Add Insight' button. Use the search bar to quickly find an insight.

  8. Include section in email - For each section you can choose whether you want it to be included in an email, if you choose to share the report.

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