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Ocasta Users and Roles
Ocasta Users and Roles
Ben Collier avatar
Written by Ben Collier
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What are Ocasta user and roles?

Everyone in your organisation who will be using an Ocasta Platform, whether that be Engage, Review, Albert or Extend will need an account.

Users are assigned to a role which will have predefined permissions. You have full control over which users will only be able to view content with the least privileges, to those who can view, edit and publish with the most privileges. See this article to learn more about permissions.

The default roles include Standard, Location Supervisor, and Account Owner.

Standard and Location Supervisor have front-end access only. Account Owners can access the admin.

For more detailed control, we can set up custom roles. Reach out to the Ocasta team for assistance.

How do I add new users manually?

  1. Navigate to Users Section

    • Click ‘Users’ in the left sidebar.

    • In the subcategories, select ‘Add New’.

  2. Fill in User Details

    • Username: This will be what they use to login and what is visible on the platform.

    • Email: Enter their email address. This is where their new account information will be sent, so ensure it is correct.

    • First Name: Enter the user's first name.

    • Last Name: Enter the user's last name.

    • Website: (N/A)

  3. Create Password

    • Create their password. Press ‘Show password’. You can either use the automated password or create your own.

  4. Send User Notification

    • To send the user an email notification about their new account, tick the box ‘Send the new user an email about their account.’

  5. Assign User Role

    • Select the role you would like that user to have from the drop-down menu. Refer to this article for more information about permissions.

      • Standard: This role has the lowest level of privileges; users can only view content.

      • Location Supervisor: A person assigned to this role is usually in charge of people in a certain location and can edit content for them (e.g., store manager in Brighton).

      • Account Owner: This role has the most privileges and can do and see everything. This role should be assigned to very few people.

      • Role Override: This is only relevant if we set you up with automated import.

      • User Can Roam: This allows users to see all content, even if it is targeted to specific locations or regions. If the user has permission to view reporting, they will be able to see reporting on all locations.

How do I add new users automatically?

It is possible, if you have a large number of users, to import the users manually. Please contact the Ocasta support team if you would like to chat to them about importing users automatically. 🙂

Where can I find an overview of all of my users?

  1. Click ‘Users’ in the left side bar

  2. In the subcategories select ‘All Users’

This will take you to a page with a table showing you all the users that have been added. In this view you also have a few handy tools to help you find users.

  1. Filter by role. At the top of the page you'll see all the roles you have listed, and by clicking on one you the list will be filtered to show only that specific role.

  2. Search. Here you can enter a partial name and search for users that way.

  3. Choose what you want to filter on (you can select more than one), and when you click Filter the list will be updated

  4. Bulk change role. Select a role in the dropdown and the users you want to change the role for. When you click Change, all the selected users will change role.

  5. In the table you can see when users last accessed the system and when they were imported.

How can I manage user profile images?

Profile pictures are stored and managed on user profile pages in the admin. If you have admin permissions to manage users, you will be able to delete profile pictures.

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