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Media Gallery
Ben Collier avatar
Written by Ben Collier
Updated over a week ago

What is the media gallery?

The media gallery is where all of your media will be kept, everytime you upload an image or video to Engage it will be saved here. This makes them easier to find if you are going to be using them again. If you want to upload additional media here you can, this is useful if someone else is publishing an article but you have the correct imagery for them to use.

How do I search and add media?

You can search the media gallery for images you have already previously uploaded.

You can search the media gallery for images you have already previously uploaded.

  1. You can use the drop down menu labelled ‘All media items’ to select which kind of media you are looking for.ImagesAudioVideoUnattached 

  2. You can also filter by date, select the ‘All dates’ drop down menu and choose a month to filter by 

  3. If you want to select multiple items click ‘Bulk Select’

  4. To search media items use the search bar in the top right corner 

  5. To add media in the sub-category click ‘Add New’ 

  6. Click ‘Select files’

  7. Select from your files, once the loading bar says 100% it will have uploaded successfully

  8. Click ‘Library’ in the left sidebar and your image will appear.

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