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Follow Up on Tasks Within Your Organisation
Follow Up on Tasks Within Your Organisation
Megan Bland avatar
Written by Megan Bland
Updated over a month ago

The dedicated Tasks page, available on both the web and in the app, allows you to view tasks assigned to you and those you’ve created. This makes it easy to track progress, check status, and ensure the completion of tasks you've initiated. Learn more about tracking tasks assigned to you here.

Below, we’ll explain how to follow up on tasks you’ve created, and how to view all tasks across your region or organisation depending on what permissions your user has.

Navigating the Tasks Page on the Web

The Tasks page on the web allows you to manage and view tasks based on your role and location permissions. Please see below:

1. Assigned to Me

When you open the Tasks page, it defaults to the "Assigned to Me" tab, where you can view all tasks assigned to you, including both open and closed tasks. Find out more here.

2. Created by Me

This section lists all tasks you’ve created, sorted by due date (with the earliest due tasks at the top). You can:

  • Select a task to view more details.

  • Select to view the full Review from which the task was created.

  • Toggle between open and closed tasks to easily track what’s still pending.

3. Assigned by Location

Your ability to view this tab and which tasks are displayed depends on your user role’s Review Roaming and Review Tasks permissions.

Task Permission Levels

There are two levels of task permissions:

  • Use – Users can view tasks assigned to them or created by them. They can close/re-open tasks assigned to them. They can’t see anyone else's tasks so they won't be able to view the Assigned by Location tab.

  • View – Users with this permission can access the Assigned by Location tab. The tasks listed depend on their Review Roaming setting.

Review Roaming Settings

The Review Roaming setting determines which users’ tasks are visible on the Assigned by Location tab:

  • None (Location-level roaming) – Users can see tasks assigned to or created by users within their own location.

  • Region-level roaming – Users can see tasks assigned to or created by users within their region.

  • Everywhere (Organisation-wide roaming) – Users can see tasks assigned to or created by users across the entire organisation.

How to View Tasks in the "Assigned by Location" Tab

If your role has the appropriate permissions:

  1. Switch to the Assigned by Location tab to view tasks.

  2. You will be able to see tasks according to your task permissions and roaming level.

  3. If you have region-level or organisation-wide roaming permissions, you can use the location dropdown to filter tasks by location.

  4. Use the Open and Closed toggle to filter tasks based on their status.

  5. Select a task to view more details.

  6. You can also search for tasks assigned to a specific user by using the "Person" filter option. Please note that the users you can search for and view tasks for depend on your review roaming permissions.

For help with setting up roles and permissions for task management, contact

Navigating the Tasks Page in the App

To access the Tasks page on the app, select the Tasks icon in the bottom navigation bar.

  • By default, the app will open with a list of tasks assigned to you. You can read more about this here.

  • To view all tasks you’ve created, tap the filter icon in the top right and switch to "Created by Me."

  • You can then toggle between "Tasks to do" and "Closed tasks", as well as sort the list by due date or created date, with options to order by newest or oldest first.

  • Tap on a task to view it in more detail. You can also click through to view the full Review.

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