Once you’ve completed a review it will become available to view in the list of submitted reviews. Read more about How to submit a Review and where to find the list of completed Reviews on iOS, Android and the Web.
You can easily share a PDF summary of any review within the app. (It's not currently available on the web).
How to Share a PDF Review Summary:
Locate the review you would like to share from the list of completed reviews.
Select the review. On iOS and Android devices, you’ll see a document icon in the top-right navigation bar. Tap this icon.
A preview of the PDF will open. At the top of the PDF, you’ll see a summary, including:
The name of the review
The date it was completed
The subject of the review
The overall score
Below the summary, the PDF will display all sections and insights from the review, along with:
Corresponding scores for each section
Any notes or photos taken
Assigned tasks
To share the file, select the sharing option. This will open the native sharing prompt on your device, allowing you to share the review via platforms such as Email, WhatsApp, Teams, Slack, and more.