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Learning Performance

Course and lesson analytics to check how your employees are performing

Megan Bland avatar
Written by Megan Bland
Updated over a week ago

You’ll find all the learning reporting in one main area called ‘Manage’ on the web. This is only available to admin users.

Lesson Performance

This report gives you and insight into how well your employees are performing for a particular lesson and who has completed the lesson.

  • Select 'Performance' under the 'Learning' heading to view this report.

  • The report shows a list of lessons, for example 'How to reload a receipt printer', the author of the lesson, the category the lesson is assigned to, the date it was last updated by the author, the number of users who have completed the lesson, and the average performance for each question within a lesson.

  • Performance for a question is the average number of attempts users took to answer the question correctly. So if the percentage was 100%, then this indicates that all users only took one attempt to answer the question.

  • If needed you can download the report as a CSV file.

Course and Individual Analytics

This report gives you an insight into how many employees have completed a particular course and the time it took to complete it. You also have the option to drill deeper and review how well an individual has performed on a completed or in progress course.

  • To view course analytics, on the manage page under the 'Course Management' section select either 'Published' or under the 'Course Lists' heading. You can also view analytics for archived courses.

  • Select the course you would like to view analytics for.

  • In the top right of the screen you'll see an 'Analytics' button. Select it and you can view the report.

  • This report shows a list of users by display name who are currently completing or have completed the course, along with their location, the date they started the playlist, the duration the course has been open, and the percentage that they have completed.

  • If needed you can export the report to CSV to carry out further analysis.

  • To view individual analytics you can either select the row with the individuals name, or search for an individual.

  • Once you have selected the row a pop up with display with the report. If the user has completed the course more than once you can select which date you would like to view.

  • You'll see all the questions within the course listed, the answers they selected (incorrect and correct) and the number of attempts it took them to answer the question correctly. A lower number of attempts shows they had a better understanding when they started the course.

Question Analytics

This report allows you to check how well questions are being answered for an article and to see where people are struggling to identify the correct responses.

  • In order to view question analytics you will need the correct permissions, either 'Manage Learn' or permission to 'Edit the article'.

  • Go to the 'Search' page and search for the article you wish to view.

  • At the bottom of the article you will see 'View Analytics', select it.

  • Any questions associated with the article will be shown side by side next to the article. Just select the X to hide it.

  • For each question you will be able to see answers, performance, average attempts, total attempts, and unique attempts.

  • Answers shows in percent, how many users selected the different answers.

  • Performance is the percentage average number of attempts users took to answer the question correctly. So if the percentage was 100%, then this indicates that all users only took one attempt to answer the question.

  • Average attempts is the average number of attempts it took all users to answer the question correctly.

  • Total attempts is the total number of attempts is took all users to answer the question correctly.

  • Unique attempts is the number of users who have attempted to answer the question.

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